Saturday, April 10, 2010

100 Random Facts about Myself :)

1. I have my ears pierced
2. I have a gigantic post card collection
3. There are 13 years difference between me and my 5 yr old brother
4. I have been playing baseball for over 15 years
5. I am under 5 feet tall
6. I have schololious
7. I am obsessed with the colour purple
8. I love different languages and trying to speak in them
9. I have a fear of rotten food.

10.I want to learn how to ballroom dance
11.I have only been to one other country USA..
12. I am a clean FREAK.
13. When I laugh I sound like a hyena
14. I love peace signs.
15. I have every type of website you could possibly have (Dailybooth, facebook,
myspace, blog, youtube, aim, etc etc )
16. I can play 5 different instruments
17. I love movie soundtracks.
18. I am friends with my teachers
19. I hate Disney movies
20. I do not like to be alone
21. I think hugs are the best thing in the world
22. I will one day go to Paris and Italy
23. I love black and white pictures.

24. I like to paint abstract things.
25. I still watch Saturday morning cartoons
26. I like to learn to sing songs in different languages
27. I love talking and meeting new people.. hence my obsession with Chat Roulette
28. I have hand sanitizer with me at all times.
29. I have a fear of getting sick.
30. I love scary movies.
31. My clock is always 45 minutes fast.
32. I have to make my bed in order for me to go to bed in it again.
31. When I go to the mall I have to take pictures in the photo booth
32. I wear ‘fake’ glasses
33. I do not like change
34. I was a gymnast for 4 years
35. I plug my nose when i sneeze
36. I enjoy doing cartwheels
37. I have an obsession with swings
38. I am an organized pack rat
39. I do not like roller coasters
40. I enjoy buying movies.
41. I will not fold my shirts, they have to be hanging up.

42. I believe in ghosts, spirits etc.
43. I only wear a specific necklace with my outfits
44. I do not mix and match my outfits.
45. I love to watch lights sparkle on the water.
46. I have never watched a 3D movie
47. I made perfect attendance for 6 years
48. My laugh changes when I am lying on my back.
49. I have never been to a concert
50. I always have 3 books on the go.
51. I flip my pillow over to get to the cold side.
52. I walk on a diagonal.
53. I cannot study when someone is in the same room as me.
54. I am a perfectionist
55. I have a “people i never talk to” group on my msn.
56. I used to climb up door frames when I was younger
57. I thought you could get pregnant from oral sex in grade 11
58. I cannot wink.
59. My right leg with randomly give out and I will fall just walking down the street
60. I have 2 IPODS because I ran out of room on my first one.
61. I do not celebrate my birthday
62. I do not like sand
63. I would rather swim in a chemically enhanced pool then a fish invested lake
64. I love climbing on things
65. I love to dance and move my hips.
66. I love to sing to songs even if I don’t know the words.

67. I do not like any type of bug.
68. I ran out of the butterfly conservatory screaming in tears.
69. I like to cook hot dog octopus’s on the camp fire.
70. I have never smoked anything in my entire life.
71. I work with children who have special needs
73. I love taking pictures.
74. I have wanted to become a teacher ever since i can remember.
75. I played in a concert band for 5 years
76. I enjoy making lists about myself
77. I do not like when my food touches.
79. I love meeting new people.
80. I love to eat pickles cheese and crackers.
81. I have never lost a word search race.

82. I do not like public transportation.
83. I have many random collections.
84. I keep my clothing tags.
85. I am easy to persuade
86. I have never broken a bone
87. I cannot skate backwards

88. I have a difficult time saying goodbye
89. I have the smallest bladder in the world.
90. I listen to EVERY type of music.
91. I am allergic to fur and feathers
92. I love pointless car rides.
93. I was on a bowling team for 3 years.
94. I believe that everything happens for a reason
95. I know the alphabet in sign language
96. I have over 10 different nicknames
97. I did not start wearing makeup until this year. I am turning 19 years old.
98. I can spit really really far.
99. I love to watch musicals.
100. I get attached to things very easily

1 comment:

  1. Hi Randi:

    This is Dave, BF of Miss Purcell. I just read this and feel like I know you much better now (one could say 100 times better). See you this summer and I WILL visit Brantford too.
