Sunday, December 11, 2011


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder..
I am not necessarily disagreeing with this statement but it is difficult.
I don't know how exactly to descirbe this feeling.
I am sitting on the train right now, knowing that I will not see Him until the 2nd of december.
Twelve Days.
You would think that would be easy, but for me it is hard.
I have only been apart from him for 1.5 hours and I already miss him.
Is this love?
I am not too sure but if it is, I like it. I love the feeling of being in love.
I love waking up knowing someone is with me, maybe not physically but emotionally.
It is nice knowing someone else is thinking about you the second they wake up and continuously throughout the day.
For once in my life, I am not alone.
Nor am I living life on my own. I am going through life with Him, making decisions together.
I have never been in a relationship before but I do know that this relationship is strong.
I know this is what a healthy relationship consists of. If it is not a healthy relationship then I am I don't know what is then?
I have come into this in full force and I am not planning on changing anything in the near future.
I have put my heart on the line and I do not regret that.
I would not give anything to replace this feeling.
It's true when they say, you know when you're in love.
It is a feeling I cannot compare anything too.
I do not regret anything that has happened in this relationship and I plan to keep it that way.
I love him with all my heart forever and always.

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