Sunday, November 28, 2010

My friend told me this the other day...

Smile through the disappointments of life, that in doing so, they may become your greatest triumphs

Sunday, October 31, 2010


There is one specific person that has had a huge impact on my life.

She is...

Smart, successful and beautiful.
Mother, Daughter and Teacher
Confident, Strong and Positive

She has reached out to me and has helped me become who I am today. I look up to her and go to her when I am in need of advice. She has inspired me to become a teacher and I haven't doubted anything she has ever told me. She is strong and confident in anything and everything that she does.

Tonight I found out she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I prayer for her and her family that she will overcome this. She told me " I am pretty open about it I guess because I want others to know that it's possible. I am really, really positive about it and I am confident that I am going to beat this thing. It will be a bit of a rough year, but it will make me stronger of course!"

She is my idol and I thank her for everything she has done for me.

Please keep her in your prayers, that she will beat this thing.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

High School, now just Merely Memories...

Last night I talked to someone I hadn't talked to in a very long time. We started with small talk but then we began talking about high school and how so much has changed since then.

It got me wondering, what would it be like if I went back to high school tomorrow? What would change? Who would be there with me?

I have a diffcult time adjusting to the fact that life goes on. Even when you are so happy right were you are, you have to hop on the train and continue with your life. Time does not stop for anybody. I have passed this part of my life and I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it. It truly was the best four years of my life (right now).

As hard as I try what once was, will never be again. High school is just merely memories now. The students, teachers, assignments...

Each person has moved on and are now doing bigger and better things.

As hard as I try it is IMPOSSIBLE to stay in touch with everyone you would like to stay in contact with. Facebook and other social networking sites make this alot easier but still does not make it possible. There are so many people whom I haven't talked to or even seen since June 29, 2009.

Since graduation we have had one death, Rielly. I check her facebook page every now and again and see comments from my fellow classmates. It is very sad her life had to end at such a young age but it also makes me happen to see everyone come together again and mourn with one another.

It is time for me to accept that high school will never be again. I am at the point in my life where I am a strong independent woman who needs to take initative in starting my own life.

Each time I come home and visit with my friends and family I wonder when it will be the last. Every time we gather together one less person is there because he/she are still up at school pursuing thier goals. We then have to begin to rely on the bond we created over all the years in order to stay in touch and be able to stay life long friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

If I Were an Artist...

Jake Coco

"And I could paint you clear
I'd make you graceful
I'd make you beautiful
Cause that's what you are"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

100 Random Facts about Myself :)

1. I have my ears pierced
2. I have a gigantic post card collection
3. There are 13 years difference between me and my 5 yr old brother
4. I have been playing baseball for over 15 years
5. I am under 5 feet tall
6. I have schololious
7. I am obsessed with the colour purple
8. I love different languages and trying to speak in them
9. I have a fear of rotten food.

10.I want to learn how to ballroom dance
11.I have only been to one other country USA..
12. I am a clean FREAK.
13. When I laugh I sound like a hyena
14. I love peace signs.
15. I have every type of website you could possibly have (Dailybooth, facebook,
myspace, blog, youtube, aim, etc etc )
16. I can play 5 different instruments
17. I love movie soundtracks.
18. I am friends with my teachers
19. I hate Disney movies
20. I do not like to be alone
21. I think hugs are the best thing in the world
22. I will one day go to Paris and Italy
23. I love black and white pictures.

24. I like to paint abstract things.
25. I still watch Saturday morning cartoons
26. I like to learn to sing songs in different languages
27. I love talking and meeting new people.. hence my obsession with Chat Roulette
28. I have hand sanitizer with me at all times.
29. I have a fear of getting sick.
30. I love scary movies.
31. My clock is always 45 minutes fast.
32. I have to make my bed in order for me to go to bed in it again.
31. When I go to the mall I have to take pictures in the photo booth
32. I wear ‘fake’ glasses
33. I do not like change
34. I was a gymnast for 4 years
35. I plug my nose when i sneeze
36. I enjoy doing cartwheels
37. I have an obsession with swings
38. I am an organized pack rat
39. I do not like roller coasters
40. I enjoy buying movies.
41. I will not fold my shirts, they have to be hanging up.

42. I believe in ghosts, spirits etc.
43. I only wear a specific necklace with my outfits
44. I do not mix and match my outfits.
45. I love to watch lights sparkle on the water.
46. I have never watched a 3D movie
47. I made perfect attendance for 6 years
48. My laugh changes when I am lying on my back.
49. I have never been to a concert
50. I always have 3 books on the go.
51. I flip my pillow over to get to the cold side.
52. I walk on a diagonal.
53. I cannot study when someone is in the same room as me.
54. I am a perfectionist
55. I have a “people i never talk to” group on my msn.
56. I used to climb up door frames when I was younger
57. I thought you could get pregnant from oral sex in grade 11
58. I cannot wink.
59. My right leg with randomly give out and I will fall just walking down the street
60. I have 2 IPODS because I ran out of room on my first one.
61. I do not celebrate my birthday
62. I do not like sand
63. I would rather swim in a chemically enhanced pool then a fish invested lake
64. I love climbing on things
65. I love to dance and move my hips.
66. I love to sing to songs even if I don’t know the words.

67. I do not like any type of bug.
68. I ran out of the butterfly conservatory screaming in tears.
69. I like to cook hot dog octopus’s on the camp fire.
70. I have never smoked anything in my entire life.
71. I work with children who have special needs
73. I love taking pictures.
74. I have wanted to become a teacher ever since i can remember.
75. I played in a concert band for 5 years
76. I enjoy making lists about myself
77. I do not like when my food touches.
79. I love meeting new people.
80. I love to eat pickles cheese and crackers.
81. I have never lost a word search race.

82. I do not like public transportation.
83. I have many random collections.
84. I keep my clothing tags.
85. I am easy to persuade
86. I have never broken a bone
87. I cannot skate backwards

88. I have a difficult time saying goodbye
89. I have the smallest bladder in the world.
90. I listen to EVERY type of music.
91. I am allergic to fur and feathers
92. I love pointless car rides.
93. I was on a bowling team for 3 years.
94. I believe that everything happens for a reason
95. I know the alphabet in sign language
96. I have over 10 different nicknames
97. I did not start wearing makeup until this year. I am turning 19 years old.
98. I can spit really really far.
99. I love to watch musicals.
100. I get attached to things very easily

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your Life.

"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. "

This quote was on my friend's facebook. I love it. <3

I am not feeling the greatest right now. You know.. when you ask someone a question that you have been contemplating on asking over and over again and you have phrased this question so many times in your head. You finally get enough courage to ask it and then there really is only one anwser you want to hear, the right answer. Then that person answers the question and it is the wrong one, the answer you did not want to hear. Then you start to ask yourself why did you have to ask, you didn't really want to know the true anwser.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Why do people get enjoyment out of other people's misery?

Something great comes along and they try so hard to take that away from them.Then they laugh in your face when its finally gone, thinking its hilarious.

That is some sick twisted kind of enjoyment, thats for sure.

But whatever happened, happened. The end.