Sunday, February 24, 2013


Two years ago I posted a blog about Alana being diagnosed with breast cancer. Well, two years have past and many rough moments she needed to overcome but she is healthy and well. She is the strongest person I know. She remained positive, kept up to date emails to close friends and family including myself and I cannot be happier for her. She wrote a book to allow others battling breast cancer as well as anyone who wants to learn about the struggles one goes through. Her book is published and on the shelves of many bookstores. I have so much respect for her and I am grateful for having her in my life. She has truly demonstrated how strong a person can be and that with a lot of support, a positive attitude and strength that you can truly do anything you set your mind too, even if its battling cancer. She just had her first book signing. I suggest to everyone to read her true words of wisedom. "Chemosabe" This woman is a true inspiration!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The World

I want to go and travel the world, more now then ever before. I have a friend in Italy and a friend in Kenya right now, my other friend is in England and two of my best friends just got back, one from Africa and one from Australia. The more I hear about their adventures and the cultures they were exposed to the more I want to find out for myself. I don’t want to teach there, I don’t want to go to school there, I simply want to travel. I do no want to go alone, I would like one other person with me and just backpack. I want to go to a place were English is not their main language. I would like to rise to a challenge and learn to navigate my way through the cities.  I feel like I am very naive to the world around me and in order for my to full understand I need to be submerged into it. I want to experience culture shock and see how others live in other parts of the world. I would like to leave tomorrow but in reality that cannot happen, since I do not have the supplies or money to do so. I am saying within the next three years, I would like this dream to come true. I am going to be more aware of my spending and try to buckle down and save. I am done fantasying and wishing to travel. I am going to ACTUALLY travel.


Sunday, December 11, 2011


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder..
I am not necessarily disagreeing with this statement but it is difficult.
I don't know how exactly to descirbe this feeling.
I am sitting on the train right now, knowing that I will not see Him until the 2nd of december.
Twelve Days.
You would think that would be easy, but for me it is hard.
I have only been apart from him for 1.5 hours and I already miss him.
Is this love?
I am not too sure but if it is, I like it. I love the feeling of being in love.
I love waking up knowing someone is with me, maybe not physically but emotionally.
It is nice knowing someone else is thinking about you the second they wake up and continuously throughout the day.
For once in my life, I am not alone.
Nor am I living life on my own. I am going through life with Him, making decisions together.
I have never been in a relationship before but I do know that this relationship is strong.
I know this is what a healthy relationship consists of. If it is not a healthy relationship then I am I don't know what is then?
I have come into this in full force and I am not planning on changing anything in the near future.
I have put my heart on the line and I do not regret that.
I would not give anything to replace this feeling.
It's true when they say, you know when you're in love.
It is a feeling I cannot compare anything too.
I do not regret anything that has happened in this relationship and I plan to keep it that way.
I love him with all my heart forever and always.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My friend told me this the other day...

Smile through the disappointments of life, that in doing so, they may become your greatest triumphs

Sunday, October 31, 2010


There is one specific person that has had a huge impact on my life.

She is...

Smart, successful and beautiful.
Mother, Daughter and Teacher
Confident, Strong and Positive

She has reached out to me and has helped me become who I am today. I look up to her and go to her when I am in need of advice. She has inspired me to become a teacher and I haven't doubted anything she has ever told me. She is strong and confident in anything and everything that she does.

Tonight I found out she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I prayer for her and her family that she will overcome this. She told me " I am pretty open about it I guess because I want others to know that it's possible. I am really, really positive about it and I am confident that I am going to beat this thing. It will be a bit of a rough year, but it will make me stronger of course!"

She is my idol and I thank her for everything she has done for me.

Please keep her in your prayers, that she will beat this thing.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

High School, now just Merely Memories...

Last night I talked to someone I hadn't talked to in a very long time. We started with small talk but then we began talking about high school and how so much has changed since then.

It got me wondering, what would it be like if I went back to high school tomorrow? What would change? Who would be there with me?

I have a diffcult time adjusting to the fact that life goes on. Even when you are so happy right were you are, you have to hop on the train and continue with your life. Time does not stop for anybody. I have passed this part of my life and I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it. It truly was the best four years of my life (right now).

As hard as I try what once was, will never be again. High school is just merely memories now. The students, teachers, assignments...

Each person has moved on and are now doing bigger and better things.

As hard as I try it is IMPOSSIBLE to stay in touch with everyone you would like to stay in contact with. Facebook and other social networking sites make this alot easier but still does not make it possible. There are so many people whom I haven't talked to or even seen since June 29, 2009.

Since graduation we have had one death, Rielly. I check her facebook page every now and again and see comments from my fellow classmates. It is very sad her life had to end at such a young age but it also makes me happen to see everyone come together again and mourn with one another.

It is time for me to accept that high school will never be again. I am at the point in my life where I am a strong independent woman who needs to take initative in starting my own life.

Each time I come home and visit with my friends and family I wonder when it will be the last. Every time we gather together one less person is there because he/she are still up at school pursuing thier goals. We then have to begin to rely on the bond we created over all the years in order to stay in touch and be able to stay life long friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

If I Were an Artist...

Jake Coco

"And I could paint you clear
I'd make you graceful
I'd make you beautiful
Cause that's what you are"