Monday, August 31, 2009

A New Beginning

So... university is just around the corner. Seven days exactly. I am not really sure what to think at the moment. I'm alittle excited/nervous/sad/scared. So many mixed emotions. I would like to believe that I am ready to leave but I don't think I am. I do not cope well with change and this is alot of change all at once. Yes... in way I guess its good to do it all at once but really it just makes it THAT much harder to deal with. It will be my first time going to university, living on my own, cooking on my own, creating my own rules and staying on top of things. I will not have my mother keeping me on track and making sure I am doing what I need to be doing. I am an adult now. It is so hard to imagine myself as an adult. I CAN make my own decisions. I CAN take on responsiblities. I CAN live in a house without a parent figure. I am an adult.

I need to realize that it is time to move on in my life and that things do change. Time does not stop just because you are not ready. You just need to get up and go with it. I need to know that everything will work out and that I WILL stay in touch with the friends I was meant to stay in touch with. I need to remember that everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know that reason at that exact moment.

As much as I would love to stay in high school, I need to move on with my life and have my head held high. I need to look at the positive side of things. University is just another part of my life, it is a new beginning.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hayley Westenra

"Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way that you feel
As every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dear Ashley Jensen


How is she such a good actress?

Monday, August 17, 2009

"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisedom.
If you don't llive it, it won't come out your horn."
- Jazz Legend Charlie Parker.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Don't Vote in Afghanistan?

I'm not sure if I completely undertsand the article I just read on CBC News "Don't Vote Afghan Public Warned"

Apparently there is an election soon approaching in Afghanistan however there are "enemies" which is how they are referred to in the article who are trying to stop this election from happening. They have threatened the people of Afghanistan by saying: "If you help the election take place, let your house be used as a polling station, rent your truck out to carry ballot boxes, you risk violent retaliation in the weeks to come"

This is not fair. The people of Afghanstan should be able to vote without putting their life on the line. It is a person's right to vote. They should not be threatened for voicing their opinion. Why has the world come to this?

We need to give peace a chance.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chubby Monkey.

Lately, I've been cutting pictures and quotes out of magazines. I have a big stack of pictures that I cut out and have no idea what to do with them. It all started when I opened my closest with my bookshelf in it and a pile of magazines came tumbling down. Instead of putting them all back I decided that it's time to get rid of some. After 5 years of magazine subscriptions you create quite a collection. However before I throw them out I want to make sure that there is no pictures, or anything that I may use in the future. Each day I go through at least one magazine. I'm thinking of making a collage OR one of my faourite things to do is go to the dollarstore and buy magnets and then put the pictures on magnets and cut them out. This way I can get a magnet board and every so oftern change it up. I must say I probably had the coolest locker in high school. I would always have a huge collage on my locker door of just magazine pictures but they were all magnets. It looked awesome!

I made a sock monkey today. It took forever to sew but it turned out great. I love it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A perfect ending to a long weekend!

Today, was a bit of a lazy day. I went over to my neighbors at 7:00am to let their dogs outside (I am dogsitting for a few days while they are on vacation) Then I fell back to sleep for a few more hours. It was pleasant. Eventually when I got up and out of bed I realized my family had decided to go out for the day and take Aaron to Memorial Park. I was a bit disappointed because I would have went.....they have swings there. Anyway, my grandmother called and asked me if I wanted to get a few things at the store with her. In the end we spent close to 150$ on supplies for next year. I am very happy, I am slowly able to check things off my list. After we were done shopping we decided to go out for dinner. We went to Happy Jack's. I haven't been there in ages, I don't eat chinese food so it never crosses my mind to eat there. However, they had a large selection of Canadian food. It was very nice, we sat outside on the Patio. We had a very nice view of the Peace Bridge and the boats going by. It was very relaxing and peaceful.


Post House, here I come!!

Since the beginning of summer I have been trying to get all my stuff organized for September. Things to bring and things to buy. Here is my list so far:

hair straightner
blow dryer
face wash
toilet paper
toilet brush
toilet bowl cleaner
bath matt
clothes drying rack

shaving cream
air freshener
make up/nail polish/remover
paper towel
garbage bags
measuring cups
cutting board
dish soap

dish drying rack
water pitcher (Brita)
more tupperware
wooden spoon
oven mitt
laundry- detergent,
spray and wash, clothes drying rack
power bars/extension cords/ethernet cable
first aid kit

desk lamp
desk chair

storage containers for underneath bed
clothes hamper
TV and TV Stand

coffee pot
can opener

kitchen hand towels/wash cloths
shower curtain
hand soap
hand/ shower towels
toilet paper
window fan
floor length mirror
school supplies
3M Hooks

This list is more for my own personal use. As the month goes on I will be able to highlight which items I have already gotten. Only 35 days to go..
Oh boy, I'm scared.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Henna + Fireworks + Chicken Souvlaki = <3

Tonight I went to Canal Days with Sam and Abby. When we got there we met up with Rob and Melissa. This was EXTREMELY AWKWARD. I have never really been around them since they started dating, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Anyway other then the sole fact of it be awkward, the fireworks were AMAZING. This was one of the best firework displays I have seen in a while. After the fireworks were over I raced through the crowd to the Henna booth before it closed. Yes you guessed it.. I got a peace sign on the inside of my wrist. Here is a picture, its not done yet though, right now it is orange by tomorrow it should be dark brown.

After I got my tattoo I ran into Miss Aliberti and Miss Arsenault. I was very happy to see them both. It was nice to say a final goodbye personally to Miss Arsenault seeing as she is leaving for Moscow, Russia very soon. Goodbyes are the worst. I am sure we will cross paths again... plus there's always facebook. After we said our goodbyes..... we bought chicken Souvlaki, it was delish. It was overall a great night.

bye for now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Every Little Bit Helps!

The other day I got an email from Development and Peace. It's odd because I'm not even a subscriber. However, when I opened the email, I was amazed. This is what it said:

"There is no security on earth, but there are always opportunities to help one another.."
Burma One Year Later

One year since Cylcone Nargis took the lives of more than 140,000 people and left more than 2 million people without homes, Development and Peace, along with other partners, continue to support those affected. 91,145 families received relief assistance: food aid, water and other household items. 80 communities have safe drinking water: 26 ponds were cleared of debris, repaired, desalinated or constructed and 97 tube wells and storage tanks were constructed. 4,471 people were treated at mobile clinics, including 1,053 children under 5 years of age. 9,800 families received materials to repair their houses or construct tempory shelters. 1,343 families received new, permanent houses. 11 schools have been rebuilt. After reading the email, it just goes to show that EVERYONE can make a difference especially when we work together. We need more organizations like this to help make our world an even better place. For Pictures of everything Development and Peace have accomplished go to their website:

I urge you to go to this website. It was quite an eyeopener for me....